Friday, October 21, 2016

Breckenridge Lake RV Park

Last year, we met up with my parents in Chattanooga for a quick weekend camping trip to spend time with them and enjoy the fall leaves. This year, we made plans to meet up with them just South of Crossville, Tennessee at Breckenridge Lake RV Park.

The RV park is about a 2.5 hour drive from our home in Spring Hill. We got a late start, which put us getting to the park after dark. That made backing into our campsite a little interesting - but with some lanterns, flashlights, and help from my dad, we backed the trailer in and got everything hooked up. Once we had the camper set up, we headed over to my parents' trailer to eat dinner and visit a while.

Our site at Breckenridge Lake - right behind the campground office.
Breckenridge Lake is actually a nice, well-kept campground. There aren't many amenities, but that also means you aren't paying an arm and a leg for a site. There is no cable TV, but they do offer free wi-fi. For recreation, you are a short drive from Crossville, TN, and an even shorter drive from Cumberland Mountain State Park. If you do stay at the campground, keep in mind that they don't take credit or debit cards - only checks or cash.

The next morning, after walking and feeding the dog, I set up my outdoor coffee bar to make coffee without disturbing the rest of the family. Once my coffee was brewed, I enjoyed some outdoor quiet time before everyone else woke up.
Once everyone was up and ready to start their day, we headed back over to my parents' camper for breakfast together. After breakfast, we set up the hammock behind our campsite and enjoyed some down time.
The view from the hammock
This year, our fall was unusually warm. Typically, October 21st is usually right at the peak of fall color in Tennessee. Because of the warm weather, peak color was delayed - but there was a trace of color beginning to show in the trees.

For the majority of the year, my parents spend their time traveling around different parts of the country serving as mobile missionaries. They spend several weeks on-site at a Christian camp or college, doing maintenance and construction projects. One of the organizations they serve is CBM (Children's Bible Ministries). A few years ago, CBM purchased and began renovating an old church camp in nearby Ozone, Tennessee. While they were in the area, they wanted to visit Camp Ozone to see how the camp was progressing and see if it could possibly be a project they serve on in the future. After lunch we drove over to the camp and spent an hour or so walking the grounds and talking with the camp director.

Just South of the camp is Ozone Falls State Natural Area, featuring the 110 feet Ozone Falls. Normally, Ozone Falls is pretty impressive. However, due to near drought-like conditions, Ozone Falls looked more like Ozone Trickles. After visiting the top of the falls, Haley, Aaron, and I took a sort trail down to the base of the falls.

What was left of Ozone Falls, after a drought-ridden summer and fall.
Haley doing a little exploring

Aaron looking at the disappointing trickle that was Ozone Falls
After visiting the falls, we headed back to the campground, swinging by Cumberland Mountain State Park on the way - just to see what it's like. Back at the campground, we had dinner together and enjoyed a campfire by the campground's community fire pit.

The next morning, we packed up camp and enjoyed a simple breakfast together. We then said our good byes and headed off in opposite directions - my parents back to South Carolina, and us back to Spring Hill. All in all, a short get away, but it was nice to see my parents again before they head off for their 11 month mobile missionary trip up to Alaska and back.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Men's Retreat 2016 at Montgomery Bell State Park

For the 3rd year in a row, our church (New Song Christian Fellowship) held its annual Men's Retreat at Montgomery Bell State Park. And of course, I opted to camp in the park campground instead of staying in the park inn. For the past 2 years, I have been able to get a campsite on the creek. You can read about last year's rainy weekend here: Men's Retreat at Montgomery Bell.

That Friday, I got off work early and headed out to the park to give me enough time to check in, get set up, cook dinner, and then head to the Friday evening worship service at the Inn and Conference Center. Unlike last year, Aaron was able to join me at the retreat. However, he had a mandatory cross country practice after school - so he caught a ride out to the park with some friends. This year, I reserved site 106, which was a lot roomier than the site I reserved last year. I arrived at the park around 3:30pm and quickly backed the trailer into the site and got things set up. That gave me plenty of time to have a relaxing dinner and head to the 7:00 worship service.

The guys that Aaron got a ride with didn't reserve a site in time, so I offered to let them "squat" on our site - which is completely legal. Each site allows 1 tent along with the RV, and a total of 8 people. After service, we headed back to camp, and the guys set their tent up (in the dark) between our trailer and the creek. After a few hours around the campfire, we all turned in for the night.

The morning worship service was scheduled for late in the morning to purposely give everyone the opportunity to spend some quality time with the Lord and have a relaxing breakfast.

Our campsite on Saturday morning - with the guys' tent set up behind our camper.
The creek behind our campsite offered a great place for some quiet time with the Lord.
After a relaxing morning, we all headed back to the conference center for our Saturday morning worship service. As with all our services, our morning session started out with a powerful time of worship.

Aaron had a cross country meet in nearby Dickson, TN. This particular meet was the championship meet for the Mid State Cross Country Association, so it was not a meet that could be missed. Because of that, we had to leave the worship service early in order to get to the meet.

Despite being in the middle of October, it was actually a pretty warm day - with temperatures in the 80s by the time Aaron ran.

Aaron, with the rest of the Summit High varsity team at the starting line.
...And they're off!
Aaron charging up the last big hill on the course before heading to the finish line.
Despite the sun and warm temperatures, Aaron actually did pretty well. After the meet was over, we grabbed some quick lunch and headed back to camp.

By the time we got back to camp, the men's retreat was over, and the guys had cleared out their gear and headed home.
After a long-hot day at the meet, we decided to relax a little...
Aaron getting in some "chill time" after his meet.
After relaxing around camp for a while, we decided to go on a short hike before dinner. We hopped on the blue-blazed Wildcat trail at the back of the campground and headed toward the iron ore pits and Cumberland Presbyterian birthplace memorial.
The Cumberland Presbyterian Memorial Chapel

A replica of Rev. Samuel McAdow's home, where the Cumberland Presbyterian Church was founded some 200+ years ago.
After our short hike, we headed back to camp to cook dinner. After dinner, we enjoyed some time around a small campfire before heading in for the night.
The next morning, we got up early, showered, had a quick breakfast, and packed up camp in time to head out to join our Church for Sunday morning prayer and Worship service.

Montgomery Bell State Park is probably our most frequently visited state park for good reason: It's within an hours drive from home and is probably one of Tennessee's nicest parks. It's perfect for a quick retreat and a relaxing weekend.