This post has nothing to do with camping, but I wanted to do a blog entry on my recent trip to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Last month (June 10-22), I got to be part of a G.O. Team from our church to Santo Domingo. "G.O." stands for gospel outreach. I'll share a few of the pictures I took in the blog. If you want to see more, they are in this online photo album:
Santo Domingo - 2015
Our trip began with a short 4-hour van ride down to Atlanta, GA. Our non-stop flight to Santo Domingo departed from Atlanta on the morning of June 11th, so we drove down the night before and spent the night in a hotel near the airport.
After challenges with the morning shuttle to the airport, we boarded the plane with just minutes to spare.
After a quick 3-hour flight, we landed in Santo Domingo and were greeted at the airport by
Charlie and Darla, our long-term mission partners in the area.
After loading our luggage in the back of Charlie's truck, Darla treated us to a scenic drive along the coast on our way into the city.
We arrived at our home away from home for the next 10 days: A Free Methodist Church in Santo Domingo, about 5 minutes away from our church congregation Cántico Nuevo (New Song) - Santo Domingo. The 3rd floor of the facility has mission team housing with a kitchen, dining area, and several rooms with bunks. |
This was the view from the dining area. |
There were different fruit trees planted all around the church building. This is one of the mango trees that was growing just outside the dining area. |
After getting settled, we headed to the El Cafe community to lead the Thursday evening community gathering for a newly launched Cántico Nuevo congregation in the area. Before the gathering began, we broke up into two teams and walked the streets, inviting people to the meeting. A couple of the boys from our team engaged some of the local kids in a 2-on-2 pick-up basket ball game (we lost).
For the gathering, we led a few songs in worship, then I shared a short message (translated by Erick) in which I explained the gospel and gave an encouraging word to the congregation. After I spoke, Charlie gave a call for salvation and two people responded. We then had a time of prayer where we prayed for various people. It was a powerful and encouraging start to our trip.
Day 1-2: Evangelism and Leadership Seminar
For the first part of the day, we headed to the local university to engage people in gospel conversations using the God Test. |
Luke, Blake, and Erick talking with some students on the Library steps. |
During our team prayer time that morning, Aaron had a vision of him speaking with a dark-skinned man in a black shirt. Near the end of our time at the University, these two young men walked past, and Aaron's vision became a reality. They weren't even students at the university, but were just passing through. Scott and Aaron got to talk with them both about the gospel and living fully for The Lord. |
Charlie conversing with a young man who was shining shoes. |
Friday evening and all day Saturday, we hosted a leadership seminar for leaders in
Cántico Nuevo and another church in the Las Palmas community.
Several of us shared our testimony. Felicia shared about how she has been transformed by the Love of God and the power of living in a life-giving community of faith. |
This was Jessica's first time sharing her testimony before a group of people. She did a great job. |
I had the opportunity to give an example from my own life of God's faithfulness to His Word and how following the ways of God leads to blessing and fulfillment. |
Scott Weaver, our executive pastor, led 4 sessions over the course of the conference. He took us through Ephesians and talked about the family that grows together. |
Everyone from the conference left encouraged and better equipped to lead the people in their congregations.
Day 3: Sunday Services
On Sunday morning, we got to join our family at
Cántico Nuevo - Santo Domingo. It was a great service. The worship team led some familiar songs in Spanish and English (which we appreciated) and Pastor Scott brought the message.
Throughout his message, Scott invited various members of our team up to give a testimony that would help to illustrate his message points. |
That evening, we had the privilege of worshipping with some of our Haitian brothers and sisters at a Haitian Foursquare church in the Los Alcarrizos community. |
Here are some of the kids waiting in the church foyer. |
These two led a powerful time of worship. There were no instruments, no lights, no lyrics projected on the screen... |
But that didn't prevent the congregation from passionately praising and worshipping their God and Savior. We could all learn a lesson from them. |
Here is your Haitian family saying "Hi" to you. |
The church building was packed full, and not everyone could fit inside, but that didn't stop one little girl from being a part of the service. |
After Pastor Scott's message, we all had the opportunity to pray for and over everyone. |
We definitely got to experience a taste of heaven, worshipping with our Haitian family - an experience we won't soon forget.
Day 4: Sightseeing and Couples Event
Monday was our day to do some sightseeing and souvenir shopping. While we were waiting to be picked up, some of our team decided to walk the neighborhood and meet some of our neighbors.
Next to the church where we were staying was a small business. |
Here are some of our team members sharing the gospel with the store clerk. |
After we were picked up, Darla gave us her bus tour of the Colonial District. Here are some of the sights that we got to experience:
Columbus Lighthouse
The lighthouse was built to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Discovery of America. The monument was funded by the Latin American states and is built in the shape of a cross to represent the Christianization of America.
Fortaleza Ozama
The Fortress is a sixteenth century castle built by the Spanish at the entrance of Santo Domingo on the Ozama River. It is the oldest formal military construction of European origin in the Americas. Construction began in 1502 and was completed in 1505. The castle served as a prison until the 1960s, when it was opened to the public.
Alcázar de Colón
The Alcazar is the oldest Viceregal residence in the Americas. The palace was built under Diego Colón (Columbus), the son of Christopher Columbus, when he became Viceroy of La Española in 1509. It was from this building that many of the Spanish expeditions of conquest and exploration of the new world were planned.
Catedral de Santa María la Menor
This is the oldest cathedral in the Americas. It was commissioned by Pope Julius II in 1504. Construction began in 1512 and was consecrated in 1541. Sir Francis Drake used the cathedral as his headquarters when he captured Santo Domingo in 1546.
We all stopped for a brown-bag lunch in Columbus Park, beside the cathedral. While we were eating, a young boy came up to us begging for money. Almost like the story of Peter and John in the Bible: silver and gold, we did not have - but what we had, we freely gave him...
Erick sat for a while and talked with him and shared the gospel with him. After hearing the good news, the boy freely received the gift of salvation... and got some free lunch as well. |
After lunch, we took a self-guided tour of the inside of the cathedral. This is a view from the back of the nave. |
This is a stained glass window in one of the side alcoves: Jesus being ministered to by an angel in the Garden of Gethsemane, while the disciples are sleeping. |
After our tour of the cathedral, we headed to one of the gift shops to haggle with the shop owners and pick up some cheap souvenirs. |
After sight-seeing and souvenirs, it was time to head to Cántico Nuevo for a couples gathering. Several ladies from the congregations involved went all out to decorate the church for the event. Caterers brought in food, while everyone on our team served the couples. After dinner, Scott and Nancy Weaver led an informal discussion about Christ-centered marriages. Again, another powerful time of encouraging and equipping believers to live a submitted and sanctified life graced by God. |
Day 5: Painting at Las Palmas
On Tuesday, our main assignment was painting the main gathering room of New Hope (Nueva Esperanza) Christian Church in Las Palmas. The pastor of New Hope is a woman who used to be a spiritist before she came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Now she pastors a powerful and life-giving church.
This is the community of Las Palmas. When Neuva Esperanza first began meeting, the met in the little green house on the left side of the picture. |
This is where the church meets now... across the street from the little green house. Before the church occupied this building, it was a raucous night club that would have loud music blaring while the church was trying to have service. Eventually the nightclub shut down, and Nueva Esperanza moved in. Now it is a thriving ministry center in the heart of the community. |
Here we are, taking a lunch break before applying the 2nd coat of paint. |
While we were there, Winter and Erick got to have a conversation with the Youth Pastor of the church.
Day 6: Children's Hospital, Rehab Center and Las Palmas
Wednesday was scheduled to be our busiest day. First stop that morning was a Children's Hospital. |
The first place we went was the surgical waiting room. In this room, were the families and friends of children that were in surgery. We broke up into small groups and began praying for the different families. Pictured above is a family whose child was hit by a car and was in surgery. |
While we were waiting to go into another room, Erick and Blake prayed for a father and his child that was standing out in the hall. |
Soon after, we went to one of the surgery recovery rooms. Again, we broke up into small groups and went bed to bed, giving out small gifts and balloon animals, and praying for the kids and their families.
It was so great seeing the children's faces light up when we came to their bed to talk with them. |
After we made our way through the recovery room, Erick and Felicia were given the opportunity to pray for kids in the oncology ward.
While Erick and Felicia where ministering to the kids in the oncology ward, one of the security guards invited us to come down to the waiting area. Once we got there, it became a free-for-all with balloon animals and bubbles everywhere. |
After lunch, we headed to another part of town to minister at a drug and alcohol rehab facility. One of the leaders of the facility is a member of Cántico Nuevo. After we were introduced, we presented a short drama that we had prepared. It was amazing to see the impact the drama had on the men. Most were in tears by the time we finished. Next, Erick gave his testimony of how he was once an alcoholic until Jesus saved him and freed him from his addictions. After Erick finished, I took a few minutes to explain the full message of the Gospel and then gave a call for salvation. Four men raised their hands and responded. I then led them in a prayer, and then opened it up for them to receive additional prayer from our team. During that time, one of the men also received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It was a powerful time!
After we finished at the drug and rehab facility, we headed over to Las Palmas to participate in their Wednesday night bible study. For the service, we led worship and then Winter gave a very encouraging message on walking in faith. It was great worshipping with another dynamic part of our extended church family.
Day 7: Evangelism
On Thursday, we headed back to the University to engage more people in gospel conversations. It's amazing to think that the university was founded in the early 1500s. In fact, the entrance to the campus says that it was the first university in the Americas. |
The first person we met on Thursday was Claudia. She was a pleasure to talk with. After we got to know her a little, we shared Jesus with her - and she gave her life to the Lord. |
We then spoke to the young man in the background. Blake felt that he was asking God for something. We found out that he is a strong Christian and actually was asking God to move in his life. We were able to prophesy and pray over him. He was visibly impacted. Before we left our conversation, we gave him a copy of the God Test and encouraged him to use it to share the gospel.
Then we met Genesis. At first she was very skeptical about Christianity and especially about church. She talked about how Christians were more concerned about outward appearances and wondered if it was even possible to know the truth about God. We shared the full gospel message with her as well, and before we knew it, she was ready to give her life to Christ. |
After a few more hours at the university, we headed "home" to prepare for the upcoming Youth Retreat - but not before stopping at a street vendor and trying some fresh coconut.
Day 8-9: Youth Retreat
On Friday, we headed up into the mountains north of the city for a Youth Retreat. Participating in the youth retreat with students and young adults from Las Palmas, Cántico Nuevo - Santo Domingo, and Cántico Nuevo - Santiago. |
Once everyone arrived, Luke explained how camp was going to work (with a little help from Juan Carlos). And a big part of camp was, of course, the games! |
After all the rules were explained, the team leaders got ready to assemble their teams. From left to right: Las Vacas (cows), Los Chivos (goats), Los Gatos (cats), Los Perros (dogs) and Los Caballos (horses). |
The first game of camp was a relay race with 3 stations. Each team would send a member to complete the challenge at a station and then run back to send another member. At the first station, the team member had to put Vaseline on their nose, then move cotton balls from one bowl to another, using their sticky nose. |
At station 2, the team member had to "hike" a football through a hoop. |
And at the third station, they had to shoot cups off a ledge using a marshmallow blow gun. |
Once the team completed all the challenges, the entire team had to run and find their colors, and then run back to the meeting place. First team back with their colors on won. |
After the games, and after dinner, Winter gave a solid teaching on the Holy Spirit. At the end of her message, Winter invited people to come forward to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. One by one, people responded, and we had a powerful closing to the service. |
The next morning began with another game! |
One by one, team members had to blow up balloons and form a long chain. First team to finish with all their members in the chain - without dropping any balloons - won. |
The theme of the retreat was "Caminando Como Jesús" (Walk Like Jesus). For the second session, Luke gave a stirring message on how the Holy Spirit has helped him walk like Jesus. |
After lunch was the last and final game. Teams had to form a long chain between a pool of water and an empty bucket. The first team member had to pick up a saturated sponge with his feet, then pass it to the team member behind him. The sponge would continue to get passed from team member to team member... |
...until the last team member got the sponge and squeezed it into the bucket. |
The sponge wound then go to the start of the line and the whole process would start over again. The first team to fill the bucket to the red line won. |
After the final game, everyone gathered for a message from Juan Carlos. Juan Carlos is currently the head of the Foursquare Church in the Dominican Republic. After his message, we had a powerful time of anointing all of the youth with oil and praying over them.
Day 10: Sunday Service and Resort
Sunday morning, we joined our Cántico Nuevo family for church service. This Sunday, we had a blended worship team made up of people from New Song Nashville and Cántico Nuevo Santo Domingo. It was great worshipping together once more.
After service, we headed to a resort in nearby Boca Chica for our last night on the island.
At the resort, some of our team enjoyed a few games of sand volleyball. |
And while they were playing volleyball, I managed to capture a picture of a rainbow.
After a great night sleep in an air-conditioned hotel room, I woke up early to try and capture a caribbean sunrise. |
After breakfast and a nice final debrief with Charlie, Darla, Juan Carlos, and his wife Licelot - we headed off to the airport.
We arrived in Atlanta around 5:00pm. After making it through customs and picking up our luggage, we loaded the van and headed for home.
A little after 11:00pm, we pulled into the New Song parking lot to a crowd of happy family and friends. We were home!